The aim of the research is was to predict the scholar recipient for Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik (PPA) and the Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP-K). The prediction results of scholarship recipients will provide information in the form of the possibility of acceptance and non-acceptance of scholarship applicants. To achieve this goal, this study uses the Naive Bayes algorithm, where this algorithm predicts future opportunities based on past data by going through the stages of reading training data, then calculating the number of probabilities and classifying the values in the mean and probability table. The data analysis includes data collection, data processing, model implementation, and evaluation. The data needed for analysis needs to use data from the applicants for Academic Achievement Improvement (PPA) scholarship and the Indonesia Smart Education Card (KIP-K) scholarship. The data used for training data were 145 student data. The results of the study using the Naive Bayes algorithm have an accuracy of 80% for PPA scholarships and 91% for KIP-K scholarships.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Asri Mulyani, Dede Kurniadi, Muhammad Rikza Nashrulloh, Indri Tri Julianto, Meta Regita
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