Maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents is essential in the modern digital age. In the contemporary digital world, digital signatures are essential for safeguarding and legalizing electronic documents. The current issue, however, goes beyond digital signatures and instead centers on enhancing security and data integrity. Therefore, RSA and AES-128 super-encryption is required in QR-code-based digital signature techniques for document legalization. This research stage entails constructing a super encryption algorithm, testing it experimentally for security and performance, and designing a digital signature system using RSA and AES-128 super encryption. The results of this research show that the use of RSA and AES super encryption has been proven to have better performance in data security, where the encryption and decryption process time is relatively close to the RSA encryption time, and the comparison of entropy values is better than RSA and AES-128. So, the combination of Super RSA and AES-128 encryption can increase the security level of electronic documents and reduce the risk of hacking. Moreover, the proposed QR-code-based digital signature scheme is also very efficient regarding file size and processing time.
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