The popularity of cryptocurrencies has been increasing in the approximately 10 years since their emergence in 2008. Bitcoin is the most popular and the most instrumental in the existence of cryptocurrencies. The price of coins in cryptocurrencies is the same as the price of shares in the capital market which always fluctuates and even tends to be more volatile than the stock market. This condition is very influential for actors in cryptocurrencies. This study aims to compare the Algorithm Forecasting so that it can be known the right algorithm in Forecasting the trend of Bitcoin. The algorithm used is Algorithm Supervised Learning that is Neural Network, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Process, and polynomial Regression. Accuracy was measured using a 10 Fold Cross-validation model and evaluation is done by Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results showed that the Algorithm Neural Network is an Algorithm Forecasting best with RMSE value 277,237 +/- 74,736 (micro: 287,208 +/- 0.000) among other Algorithms so that Neural Network can be used for Forecasting cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
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