Cryptocurrency trends, especially Bitcoin, have gained a place in a group of people and there are even countries that already use Bitcoin as a legal transaction tool. The dynamics that occur in this Bitcoin trend make many new users. This lack of understanding of the technology can cast doubt on those who want to get started, so it is necessary to conduct sentiment analysis to increase knowledge of what Bitcoin is and how it works. This study aims to conduct a Sentiment Analysis regarding Bitcoin through Twitter social media, so that their opinion on this technology will be known. The method used is by using Tweet data that has been downloaded on the website. The data is the result of using the Crawling technique, then sentiment analysis is carried out to classify a tweet into Neutral, Positive, or Negative. The results showed that from the 1998 dataset, 46.69% were classified as Neutral, then Positive, 43.54%, and 9.75% Negative.
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