The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm commonly used to protect digital data. However, concerns about potential attacks on cryptographic keys and the development of cryptanalysis methods further reinforce the need for security enhancement. This study aims to combine two technologies: the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptography with modifications to the SubBytes, and steganography using the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method in images, to enhance the security level of encrypted messages in the context of transmission through websites. In this study, modifications were made to the AES algorithm by replacing the S-box in the SubBytes process with a perfect SAC S-box with an average SAC value of 0.5. This testing is divided into two types: algorithm testing and system testing. Algorithm testing involves performance testing methods that show longer decryption times with an average difference of 80.27 milliseconds, cryptanalysis testing showing increased ciphertext security based on cryptanalysis time estimates using brute force, and randomness testing to demonstrate improvements in Frequency and Poker tests. System testing using the Black Box method shows results that are valid as expected.
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