This research aims to enhance the accuracy and speed of diagnoses in the Diagnese application by implementing the ANN algorithm for disease prediction. The dataset used for experimentation was featuring binary data types, containing 131 symptoms used to predict 41 types of diseases. The Diagnese application assists patients in identifying diseases and finding suitable specialist doctors based on reported symptoms. To achieve this goal, researchers explored various machine learning algorithms, such as decision trees, SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and ANN. Through comprehensive analysis, the ANN algorithm outperforms other algorithms and showcases the best performance. The research results demonstrate that integrating this application can significantly improve diagnostic accuracy and speed, thereby potentially reducing treatment delays and enhancing patient health outcomes. The neural network model displayed exceptional accuracy across training, validation, and testing datasets, scoring 97%, 99%, and 95%, respectively. Overall, this study showcases the potential of implementing the ANN algorithm within Diagnese applications to elevate the accuracy and efficiency of disease diagnosis. The application of this model is expected to augment the efficiency and precision of the medical diagnosis process, enabling doctors to make more accurate decisions and provide more effective patient care.
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