The potential for fish resources in Bengkulu waters is abundant, but quality must be maintained for safety and selling value. Changes in the skin, eyes, gills and flesh of fish indicate a decrease in quality due to enzyme, chemical and bacterial activity. The process of sorting fish by fishermen or sellers is still often done manually, which is sometimes inaccurate due to limited vision. With advances in computing technology, classification algorithms are needed that can identify and differentiate between fresh fish and non-fresh fish. This research uses a Convolutional Neural Network with DenseNet201, VGG16, and InceptionV3 architecture. The dataset contains 880 Belato Alepes Djedaba fish eye images, with a ratio of 80:15:5 for train, validation, and test. DenseNet201 has the best performance compared to VGG16 and InceptionV3. Accuracy on DenseNet201 test data 98%, InceptionV3 95%, and VGG16 91%. The classification results of the best model using 8 images with various scenarios show that all images were successfully classified 100% correctly. This research makes a contribution to the field of fishery product processing technology which allows fish quality classification to be carried out quickly and accurately, as well as increasing efficiency in ensuring the quality of fish for consumption.
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