Work safety helmets are an important tool in OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) that must be used by workers. Workers who work with heavy equipment must wear work safety helmets as an obligation. Unfortunately, there are still many workers who do not comply with this rule. They will only wear helmets if there is supervision from a supervisor. However, if the supervisor is not on site, many workers will remove their helmets. The need for supervision of workers is important in reducing work accidents. From these problems, a work safety helmet detection model was created using the YOLOv8 method. This implementation aims to increase the accuracy values obtained and can reduce workload and increase efficiency in checking violations of the use of work safety helmets among workers. The method used consists of several stages, namely image acquisition of 670 images, image labeling, preprocessing, augmentation in roboflow, YOLOv8x model training with 100 epochs, image testing with a distance of 1, 3, 5 meters between the object and the camera, evaluation of test results. Based on the results of training with 467 images, the mAP50 reached 99.5%. Meanwhile, the test results with 100 images showed an accuracy of 99%.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Azhar Ferbista Direja, Yana Cahyana, Rahmat Rahmat, Kiki Ahmad Baihaqi

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