High employee turnover is a challenge for every company, considering that employees are a valuable asset for the company. A high employee turnover rate indicates the high frequency of employees leaving a company. This will harm the company in terms of time, costs, human resources, and reduce the company's reputation. Low employee turnover is an objective for every company in its efforts to achieve its vision and mission, the employee turnover rate is high at 78.97% at PT. HCI operating in the financial services sector can have a negative impact on the company's reputation. Therefore, there is a need to analyze and predict employee turnover so that company management can take preventive and persuasive actions so as to reduce employee turnover rates. Therefore, a tool is needed to predict whether an employee will leave the company. This paper aims to predict the possibility of employees out of the company using the ensemble method, which is a method that uses a combination of several algorithms consisting of base learners and individual learners, algorithms with the ensemble method used are stacking, random forest, and adaboost, then comparing the result to get the best accuracy. The test results prove that the Stacking algorithm technique is the best model with the highest score in terms of accuracy with a value of 86.84%, while the Random Forest and AdaBoost algorithm techniques have a value of 81.04% and 80.30%. With this high accuracy value, the Stacking model is proven to have better individual performance in analyzing employee turnover predictions in human resource applications in companies.
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