Employee compliance is a commitment to comply with regulations and stay away from matters that are prohibited in the laws and or company regulations which if not obeyed, then employees are given disciplinary sanctions. Employee discipline is an obligation and willingness of employees in obeying all existing rules in a company to achieve its vision and mission, a high-level employee disciplinary violation rate of 38% at PT. HCI who are engaged in financial service sector can have a negative impact on a company's reputation, meanwhile a low level of employee disciplinary violations in a company can have a positive impact on the company's reputation.This paper aims to predict the possibility of employees committing discipline violations and evaluating the performance of accuracy by using Machine Learning Random Forest, Decision Tree, and Naive Bayes techniques. The test results prove that the Machine Learning Random Forest technique is the best model with the highest value in terms of accuracy with a value of 87.30%, while the Machine Learning Decision Tree and Naive Bayes technique has a value of 83.28%and 70.27% respectively, the value from each of the Machine Learning techniques, the comparison was made using majority voting techniques, so as to produce a total accuracy value of 85.31%.With this high accuracy value, the Random Forest model is proven to have better performance individually in analyzing the prediction of disciplinary violations in the application of human resources at company, while the total accuracy value uses a majority voting model of 85.31%, slightly decreased due to the high level of accuracy of the Naïve Bayes model compared to other algorithm models.
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