Pusintek's Service Desk, as a single point of contact, has quite high work demands with many tasks and requests handled. In order to improve the performance of Service Desk agents, the organization can give awards to the best Service Desk agents. However, there are obstacles in selecting the best Service Desk agent because there is still a subjective element in the assessment of Service Desk agents. So that a decision support system is needed that is in accordance with the weight of the organization's assessment criteria. This research proposes an approach in selecting the best Service Desk agent using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) in processing and ranking agent value data. This research focuses on assessing agents based on key parameters, namely ticket processing time (service response time), agent attendance data, assignment weight and assessment from other coworkers. The number of agents assessed was seventeen. The results of this study obtained the highest value using the SAW method of 2.22 for A1, while the calculation using the TOPSIS method, the highest value on A1 is 0.74 and the accuracy rate using the SAW method is 82.35% while the TOPSIS accuracy is 41.18%..
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