The method of collecting the vehicle data is conducted conventionally by gathering data from each region to be converted into single, raw information in the form of vehicle plates for all regions, to be processed on a computer and sent to the Central Bureau of Statistics. It is then transformed into a form of national data file that provides information on vehicle plates for the Indonesian people. This kind of data gathering method requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is a concern for researchers to detect vehicle plates using image processing by utilizing the Android-based You Only Look Once method. The YOLOv4 technique is used because it processes image data directly with optimal performance in order to produce faster predictions. In its application, the researchers use Google Collaboratory to create models and Android Studio for android applications. At the same time, the parameters studied were precision, recall, F1 score, average IoU, and mAP. By using the "Vehicle Registration Plate" dataset, the ratio of which is 70% in training data and 30% in data validation, an accuracy of 77% is obtained with a detection time of 0.05 seconds, whereas the average accuracy value is 86.82%. Therefore, it can be concluded that this study has an optimized performance for detecting vehicle plates using the Android application.
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