Feed is a crucial variable because it can determine the success of fish farming. Farmers can use two types of artificial feed, namely alternative feed and pellets. Many cultivators need pellets as the main food for the fish they are cultivating because the pellets contain a composition that has been adjusted to their needs based on the type and age of the fish. However, currently, cultivators are facing problem, namely the high price of fish pellets on the market. Therefore, an analysis of the classification of the selection of fish feed sellers is needed according to several criteria like the number of types of feed, price, order, delivery, payment, availability of discounts, and the number of assessments. This study conducted a predictive analysis to determine the criteria for selecting fish feed sellers in Kendal Regency by utilizing the K-Means Clustering and KNN Classifier methods in the classification method. This research aims to compare the fish feed seller classification method where the pattern of fish feed seller is identified by K-Means Clustering and KNN Classifier, and then the researcher conducts performance appraisal and evaluation. The results of this study are decision-making patterns to help formulate strategies for cultivators and other interested parties. For verifying the method used, measurements were made to obtain an accuracy value where K-Means was 98.6% and KNN was 86.7%.The results of this study indicate that the K-Means Clustering and KNN Classifier methods can classify the selection of freshwater fish feed sellers in Kendal Regency.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Esmi Nur Fitri, Sri Winarno, M. Hafidz Ariansyah, Fikri Budiman, Asih Rohmani, Edi Sugiarto

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