Stunting or cases of failure to thrive in toddlers is one of the most serious health problems faced by the people of Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Health and the Central Statistics Agency, East Java Province has a stunting prevalence value of 26.8% which is categorized as a high prevalence value according to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO). Random forest is one of the machine learning algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence that can learn patterns from labeled data so that it can be used as a method for predicting or forecasting data. This approach is considered very suitable to be used in predicting the value of stunting prevalence because stunting prevalence data is usually accompanied by other data in the health sector according to survey results. Previous studies on the prediction of stunting prevalence used secondary data sourced from one survey only. Therefore, this study is one of the efforts to contribute in providing solutions for the stunting problem in East Java Province by combining several data from different surveys in the same year. The results of this study show that from 20 factor candidates for predicting stunting prevalence value, only 12 factors are suspected to be causative factors based on their correlation value. However, the prediction results obtained using the random forest algorithm in this study, with data consisting of 12 features and a dataset consisting of only 38 data, have results with error values of 1.02 in MAE and 1.64 in MSE that are not better than multi-linear regression which can produce smaller error values of 0.93 in MAE and 1.34 in MSE.
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