The 2020 regional elections in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic are starting to get crowded starting from the real world and in cyberspace, especially on Twitter social media. Twitter's existence has been widely used by various communities in recent years. Twitter is one of the media that represents the public response regarding public issu. Ahead of the general election (PEMILU), there are usually some parties who want to know the results of public sentiment or response to the issue, namely academics, intellectuals or even political opponents. Nevertheless, the implementation of local elections is very polemic in the community, therefore this study tries to analyze tweets that talk about issue public, namely the 2020 elections in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The analysis usually uses the classification of tweets containing public sentiment about the issue. The classification method used in this research is Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) And Support Vector Machine (SVM). Naive Bayes Classifier is combined with features that can detect weighting using probability. The classification of tweets in this study was obtained based on a combination of two classes namely sentiment class and category class. The classification of sentiment consists of positive and negative. Test results on built-in applications show that accuracy with Naive Bayes delivers better results than Support Vector Machine. However, overall the use of the Naive Bayes method has a good performance to classify tweets with an accuracy rate of 92.2%
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