This research uses an ensemble model and neural network method that combines several machine learning algorithms used in the prediction of stunting and nutritional status children in Purbaratu Tasikmalaya. This ensemble method is complemented by a combination of the prediction results of several algorithms used to improve accuracy. The data used is anthropometry-based calculations of 195 toddlers with 39% of related stunting from 501 total data in Purbaratu Tasikmalaya City; high rates of stunting this research urgent to make a stable model for prediction. The results of this study are significant as they provide a more accurate and efficient method for predicting stunting and nutritional status in children, which can be crucial for early intervention and prevention strategies in public health and nutrition. The best accuracy value for some of these categories is 98, 21% for the Weight/Age category with the xGBoost algorithm, 97.7% of the best accuracy results with the Random Forest and Decision Tree algorithms for the Height/Age category, the Weight/Height category with the best accuracy of 97.4% for the Random Forest and xGBoost algorithms, and the use of neural network models resulted in an accuracy of 99.19% for Weight/Age and Height/Age while for Weight/Height resulted in an accuracy of 91.94%..
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Al-Husaini, Hen Hen Lukmana; Randi Rizal; Luh Desi Puspareni, Irani Hoeronis

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.