In the digital era, the misuse of the freedom to communicate on the internet often leads to problems such as the spread of hate speech, which can harm individuals based on race, religion, and other characteristics. This issue requires effective solutions for content moderation, particularly on social media platforms like Twitter. This research develops a deep learning model utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) to detect hate speech and aims to improve existing content moderation mechanisms. The methods used include data collection, preprocessing through techniques such as case folding, tokenization, lemmatization, and model creation using TensorFlow Extended (TFX) involving embedding, dense, and global pooling layers. The model is trained to optimize accuracy by minimizing the loss function and closely monitoring evaluation metrics. The results show that this model achieves a prediction accuracy of 84%, an AUC value of 0.796, and a binary accuracy of 76%. The conclusion of this research is that the use of deep learning and NLP in detecting hate speech offers a highly potential approach to enhancing digital content moderation, providing a solution that is not only efficient but also accurate.
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