Butterflies play a significant role in ecosystems, especially as indicators of the state of biological balance. Each butterfly species is distinctly different, although some also show differences with very subtle traits. Etymologists recognize butterfly species through manual taxonomy and image analysis, which is time-consuming and costly. Previous research has tried to use computer vision technology, but it has shortcomings because it uses a small distribution of data, resulting in a lack of programs for recognizing various other types of butterflies. Therefore, this research is made to apply computer vision technology with the application of transfer learning, which can improve pattern recognition on image data without the need to start the training process from scratch. Transfer learning has a main method, which is fine-tuning. Fine-tuning is the process of matching parameter values that match the architecture and freezing certain layers of the architecture. The use of this fine-tuning process causes a significant increase in accuracy. The difference in accuracy results can be seen before and after using the fine-tuning process. Thus, this research focuses on using two Convolutional Neural Network architectures, namely MobileNetV2 and NASNetMobile. Both architectures have satisfactory accuracy in classifying 75 butterfly species by applying the transfer learning method. The results achieved on both architectures using fine-tuning can produce an accuracy of 86% for MobileNetV2, while NASNetMobile has a slight difference in accuracy of 85%.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Kadek Devi Adnyaswari Putri, Ardytha Luthfiarta, Permana Langgeng Wicaksono Ellwid Putra

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