• Wahyuli Lius Zen UIN Imam Bonjol, Indonesia
  • Zulvia Trinova UIN Imam Bonjol, Indonesia
Keywords: Implementation, E-Management, E-Learning, Research & Development (R&D), LMS


Development of E- School Management  using  LMS. This research aims to find out: E- Management  media development design using  Learning  Management  system  (LMS) application, Research Method used in this research is research with development(Research and Development). The development model used in the study was adapted from Borg &Gall. It  begins by    looking for  information  from  various  sources  about the  problem,  needs  and  solutions  to  be  provided,  then  continue  on  planning  what about the  product that is  it will be      designed,  after  which it  continues  on  the  initial  stage  design of lms-based    e-management  development  first made,  after  which  validation is carried out by experts  who  Consisting  of  two  media experts,   once  valid then the researcher proceeds    at  the limited scale  test  stage Of the research subject in development research.   Data analysis   used  in  this  study is qualitative    analysis  with  data  collection  methods using  the results  of  interviews, observations  and also  discussion results.  In  this  study  the results   obtained  are the development of  E-management    applications  using  LMS is very feasible to   use  with  presentation  results as much as  78% and very  feasible.  used.


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How to Cite
W. Lius Zen and Z. Trinova, “DEVELOPMENT OF E-MANAGEMENT FOR LMS APPLICATION BASED EDUCATION”, J. Tek. Inform. (JUTIF), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 69-74, Feb. 2022.