Rice is the staple food of most Indonesians. In identifying the quality of rice, it can be seen from physical characteristics such as the color and shape of rice, because these characteristics can make an object can be identified properly and clearly. In general, what is done in determining the quality of rice by looking at its color and shape. But usually the human eye in identifying objects is sometimes less accurate which is influenced by several factors, such as age. So, several studies were conducted that tried to solve the problem by using digital image processing. However, the accuracy results obtained are still not accurate, because the datasets used in the previous study were relatively small, namely around 80 images, although the average level of accuracy obtained was quite high, but the number of datasets used was very small so that the level of accuracy was still inaccurate. Therefore, in this study, it is proposed that the title of classification of rice quality levels using JST based on digital image processing which divides rice into 3 classifications, namely, good, good enough, and not good where in this study using 330 digital images to produce a more accurate level of accuracy. In this study, there are several stages, namely, image retrieval, preprocessing, segmentation, morphological, feature extraction, and classification using artificial neural networks. Based on the research conducted, training accuracy was produced with an average accuracy of 98,75% while the test accuracy was produced with an average accuracy of 98,89%.
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