An E-Office system is available at the National Land Agency, which is part of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning and the National Land Agency. It is designed to make office administration easier. However, the use of E-Office is still not optimally used, such as the minutes feature that is underused, errors in sending letters that are sent not as desired, the dashboard display is less attractive and the guide menu cannot be accessed because of a link error. The purpose of this study is to evaluate user satisfaction with the E-Office system and identify its results. The End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method with six variables (content, accuracy, format, ease of use, timeliness, user satisfaction) was used by researchers to assess user satisfaction with the E-Office system. 37 individuals from the E-Office system user population comprised the sample. The results of the proposed hypothesis test show that the hypothesis is accepted and has a significant effect of 78.9% on user satisfaction.
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