• A. Muh. Fitrah Asfar Informatics engineering, Computer science, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Mardiyyah Hasnawi Informatics engineering, Computer science, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Herdianti Darwis Informatics engineering, Computer science, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Feature Extraction, Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Histogram Oriented Gradients, Local Binary Patterns, Skin Cancer


One of the most common causes of death worldwide is skin cancer and its incidence is increasing. To achieve optimal treatment and improve clinical outcomes for patients, precision skin cancer detection and classification approaches are required, which can be achieved through the application of feature extraction and machine learning algorithms. The development of such algorithms to identify important patterns from skin cancer image datasets enables early detection and more accurate classification and more effective treatment. Although previous studies have tried to detect skin cancer using feature extraction techniques such as HFF, HOG, and GLCM, some weaknesses still need to be improved. This research aims to combine various feature extraction methods such as Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Histogram Oriented Gradients, and Local Binary Patterns and machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Gaussian Naïve Bayes in the classification process between Melanoma and Nevus skin cancers. In this research, the number of datasets used is 17,397 derived from the ISIC Dataset. The results showed that the Histogram Oriented Gradients method with Support Vector Machine algorithm achieved the highest accuracy of 92%. The combination of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Local Binary Patterns with Random Forest algorithm also achieved an accuracy of 92%, the combination of Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Histogram Oriented Gradients, and Local Binary Patterns with Random Forest algorithm also resulted in an accuracy of 92%. These findings suggest that the combination of various feature extraction methods and machine learning algorithms can improve accuracy in skin cancer classification, which in turn can contribute to early detection and more effective treatment.


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How to Cite
A. M. F. Asfar, M. Hasnawi, and H. Darwis, “COMBINATIONS OF FEATURE EXTRACTIONS AND MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS FOR SKIN CANCER CLASSIFICATION”, J. Tek. Inform. (JUTIF), vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1591-1598, Dec. 2024.