• Anggito Karta Wijaya Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Ando Zamhariro Royan Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Jember, Indonesia
Keywords: Currency Classification, Computational Efficiency, Data Augmentation, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Indonesian Banknote, MobileNetV3 Large


Money plays an important role in everyday life as a legal tender and a symbol of a country's economic strength. The ability to accurately classify rupiah banknotes has many practical applications such as in automated payment systems, currency exchange, and cash management. However, conventional classification approaches based on digital image processing and image processing techniques are often limited in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency, especially when dealing with a variety of banknote conditions such as wrinkles, stains, or damage. This research aims to propose a new approach by utilising the MobileNetV3 Large architecture, an efficient and lightweight deep learning model, to address the challenges of paper currency classification. The main objective is to improve classification accuracy while minimising computational resources. The dataset used consists of 2873 images of paper rupiah currency of various denominations and conditions from seven classes. These images were processed and trained using the MobileNetV3 Large model that has been customised for this classification task by applying various data augmentation techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to achieve 100% classification accuracy on a test dataset with a relatively small model size so that it can be run efficiently on mobile devices or embedded systems. This research makes an important contribution to the development of accurate and efficient rupiah banknote classification techniques for various practical applications in the future.


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How to Cite
A. K. Wijaya and A. Z. Royan, “CLASSIFICATION OF RUPIAH CURRENCY IN THE FORM OF PAPER USING THE MOBILENETV3 LARGE METHOD”, J. Tek. Inform. (JUTIF), vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 113-120, Feb. 2025.