Data security in databases is needed in the industrial era 4.0 to prevent attacks and unwanted things from happening, one of the biggest cases that has been widely reported is data leakage, in this study aims to implement and analyze the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm, one of the data security algorithms with a block chiper type that has 4 transformations (SubByte, ShiftColumn, MixColumn, AddRoundKey), or what we usually call the Cryptography method. Cryptography is a method that is often used to secure important data in databases, in this article the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm is used to secure citizen data and family card data in the Sukaharja Karawang Village service system. The method in this research is the observation method, the data is obtained from each head of the neighborhood in Sukaharja Karawang Village with the permission of the head of Sukaharja Karawang Village. Citizen data and family cards were encrypted and analyzed for resource requirements in storing encryption results and time in returning and displaying original data. The results of the analysis obtained the amount of resources required 1.5MB to store family card data, which before encryption required 352KB. Citizen data requires a resource of 6.5MB, before encryption it takes 1.5MB. As for the AES resilience test stage using the Bruteforce attack method with the help of Hashcat software version 6.2.5 with 4 trial processes, One encrypted address data was taken for this test, but out of 4 attempts none of them showed that the data could be cracked.
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