• Bangun Watono Magister of Informatics Engineering, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Ema Utami Magister of Informatics Engineering, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Dhani Ariatmanto Magister of Informatics Engineering, Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Bank Term Deposit, Classification, Instance Hardness Threshold, Machine Learning, Stacking Ensemble Learning, Undersampling


Bank term deposits are a popular banking product with relatively high interest rates. Predicting potential customers is crucial for banks to maximize revenue from this product. Therefore, bank term deposits acceptance classification is an important challenge in the banking industry to optimize marketing strategies. Previous studies have been conducted using machine learning classification techniques with the imbalanced Bank Marketing Dataset from the UCI Repository. However, the accuracy results obtained still need to be improved. Using the same dataset, this study proposes an Instance Hardness Threshold (IHT) undersampling technique to handle imbalanced datasets and Stacking Ensemble Learning (SEL) for classification. In this SEL, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and XGBoost are selected as base classifiers and Logistic Regression as meta classifier. The model trained on SEL with the dataset undersampled using IHT shows a high accuracy rate of 98.80% and an AUC-ROC of 0.9821. This performance is significantly better than the model trained with the dataset without undersampling, which achieved an accuracy of 90.30% and an AUC-ROC of 0.6898. The findings of this research demonstrate that implementing of the suggested IHT undersampling technique combined with SEL has been evaluated to effectively enhance the performance of term deposit classification on the dataset.


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