Tutoring can help increase students' self-confidence, reduce anxiety about tests or assignments, and overcome learning barriers. The large number of tutoring institutions that offer various programs makes parents or students have to be observant when choosing them. To choose a tutoring institution, parents or students must know all the profiles and programs of the institution to be selected. This creates a difficult and long time to come up with a choice. The purpose of this study is to use the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach through the Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) method and the Rank Order Centroid (ROC) method to create a Decision Support System (DSS) that will make it easier to choose a tutoring institution. The ROC approach serves to determine the weight based on the order of importance of the criteria. The COPRAS method is used because this method takes utility into account by assessing the usefulness of each alternative. This research produced a web-based tutoring institution selection DSS that can provide alternative recommendations based on criteria determined by decision-makers. The results of system calculations and manual calculations do not show a different value, which shows that the system produces a valid COPRAS approach value. Based on the results of usability testing, the built DSS scored 89.17%; in other words, the system is feasible to use.
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