Indonesia is a country located at the confluence of three major tectonic plates, namely Indo-Australia, Eurasia, and the Pacific so that earthquakes often occur, one of which is in West Nusa Tenggara Province. One way to accelerate the disaster mitigation process is to analyze earthquake occurrence based on spatial temporal aspects. This study uses data from BMKG NTB Province during 2018 with a total of 3,699 earthquake events which are then analyzed using ST-DBSCAN and K-Means. ST-DBSCAN analysis was used to determine earthquake prone areas based on the date and location of the event, while k-means used the depth and magnitude of the earthquake. The results show that the distribution pattern of earthquakes in the NTB region has a stationary pattern and there are similar prone areas based on the location and time of occurrence as well as the strength and depth of the earthquake. The ST-DBSCAN method using latitude and longitude attributes produces one cluster that covers 96.33% of the total data. Meanwhile, K-Means using the depth and magnitude attributes produced four clusters. The four clusters were obtained from the cluster density using the silhouette score value between -1 and 1. The K-means analysis used a silhouette score result of 18.527 which was found in cluster 1. Earthquake prone areas in the distribution of earthquakes or types of earthquakes are located in Gangga and Bayan sub-districts of North Lombok and in Sambelia and Sembalun sub-districts of East Lombok. The sub-district with the most frequent earthquakes is Sambelia sub-district with 112 earthquakes. Then the strength of the largest earthquakes on average occurred in Gangga sub-district with magnitudes of 4 to 6.2 SR with shallow earthquake types. The prone area is located at the foot of the mountain and directly adjacent to the ocean.ith shallow earthquake types. The Prone area is at the foot of a mountain and directly adjacent to the ocean.
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